Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Dog Style

Living in Taiwan, I've come to be fairly unfazed when I come across dogs wearing clothing.

Even the stray dogs on the street wear clothing during the winter, usually old t-shirts or something that people put on them. However, if you are a really overachieving dog owner, you won't stop at dog clothing. There is only one way to make sure your pooch looks truly glorious:


This is a moderately popular dog shaving style, right up there with only shaving the top of the dog so it looks like it's wearing pants. Oh, Taiwan.


Dog Clothes said...

There are so many great options for dog clothing that you will find something that will look great on your dog!

I will admit though, the lion hair cut is kind of cute :)

Mom and Dad said...

Woops. I accidentally put the previous comment on this post (it was supposed to be on the Kinmen post).